Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Art of Note Taking!

What do you do when you’re sitting in a class and the professor is rambling on and on. Most students try to pay attention, while others nod off. This is a prime time for me to do some people watching. In one of my evening classes the professor stands in the front of the room and lectures the entire class.

While I try to pay attention I tend to glance around and see what my fellow students look like or are doing. I tend to see a lot of nodding heads, which are desperately trying to hold themselves up. There is one girl who checks her make-up all through class and another one who is always taking her shoes off, which I need to ask her to stop doing. They are several people who stare at the Starbucks coffee cups. I would say fourteen out of twenty people are texting and the rest of the class is taking notes or at least trying too.

When it comes to taking notes there actually is no right way or wrong way, it is more based around what works for you as an individual. I know that when I am taking notes I like to focus on the main points. I have a friend in that class who face is 3 inches away from the paper the entire class because she is so focused on writing down every word the professor says.

Many good results can come from taking proper notes in class. A good test score, more awareness on what the professor basis the class around and because you are taking notes the professor is less likely to call on you. FAU is offering a FREE Workshop for note-taking in Feb and March. This workshop is designed around how to make taking notes more effective and less stressful.


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